How To Make Your Triceps and Abs Strong Like a Pro in 2024?

Training triceps and abs on the same day can be efficient and effective. Whether you want to train your triceps and abs one after the other or complete triceps and then abs, both options are favourable depending on individual preferences. In this article, we will go through all the triceps exercises and will move on to abs to completely focus on one muscle group at a time. Therefore, it is advised to learn the individual muscles carefully involved in the exercise. If you aim to train your triceps and abs in a single workout, we recommend executing these muscles after being done with the biceps and forearms.

Triceps and Abs on the Same Day

The triceps brachii, commonly knowns as triceps, is a muscle located on the back of the upper arm. The main muscle groups targeted are the long head, the lateral head, and the medial head. When the triceps are bigger, several physiological, functional, and aesthetic changes occur, which are as follows:

  • Physiological Changes
    • Increased Muscle Mass: As discussed earlier, triceps brachii involve a muscle group that consists of the long, the lateral, and the medial head. Training such muscles through strength and resistance exercises helps in hypertrophy (increase in muscle size).
    • Enhanced Muscle Strength: Larger triceps are typically stronger that improves overall arm strength and performance in different activities where pushing movements are involved.
  • Functional Benefits
    • Pushing Capabilities: Larger triceps are worth in pushing actions, such as bench press, shoulder press, push-ups, pull-ups, etc. Also, stronger triceps can help you in different sports activities involving pushing.
    • Joints Stability: Bigger triceps may also help in stabilizing the elbow joints, provide better support, and reduce the risk of injuries.
  • Aesthetic Changes
    • Arm Appearance: An increase in muscle mass of the triceps contributes to a more muscular and defined appearance of the upper arms.
    • Arm Balance: Well-developed triceps can create a proportional balanced look in the upper body, especially with well-developed biceps.

As per usual, warming up your body is always advisable to allow muscles to get stretched and reduce the risk of injuries. However, let’s move on to our triceps exercises:

1. Triceps Dips

For your first triceps exercise, it is a good practice to start with a compound movement that targets all three heads of the triceps: the long head, the lateral head, and the medial head. This exercise helps in building mass and strength in the triceps.

However, triceps dips can be performed in various ways. Some people train all the tricep heads using parallel bar dips while many prefer bench dips. Therefore, it depends on an individual comfort zone and preference.

Set up and Motion:

  • Parallel Bar Dips:
    • Stand between two parallel bars that are shoulder-width apart.
    • Grasp each bar with an overhand grip (palms facing inward) and completely extend your elbows.
    • Lift yourself up by straightening your arms. Your body should be suspended above the bars and feet off the ground.
    • In lowering phase, slowly lower your body by bending your elbows. Avoid leaning your body forward excessively.
    • Lower yourself until your arms are stretched about 90-degree angle.
    • Repeat the exercise by pushing back yourself up using extended arms. Exhale as you push up.
  • Bench Dips:
    • Bench dips can be performed with a single bench or two. choose a bench or two, according to your preferences, that can support your body weight.
    • When opting for a single bench, Sit on the edge of the bench with your hands gripping the edge and your feet on the ground.
    • For choosing two benches, sit on the edge of the bench with your hands gripping the edge, your feet on the other bench, and keep your body off the ground. The distance between benches should be positioned so that your heels can resist.
    • Slowly bend your elbows to the shoulder-width apart so that your body is off the ground.
    • Hold for a second or two to put some pressure on your triceps.
    • Reposition your body by lifting it in the initial phase.
    • Continue the exercise until your are done with your set.





2. Triceps Pushdown

When you aim to train triceps and abs in the same workout, Triceps Pushdown is another excellent exercise to target all three triceps heads: the long head, the lateral head, and the medial head, a group of muscles collectively called triceps brachii. Although, there are some other muscles, such as shoulder, forearm, anconeus (a small muscle located in the elbow that helps in elbow extension), involved to a lesser extent.

Set up:

Find an equipment that has a pulley attached to the rope.

Stand next to the equipment and adjust the weight as per your fitness level and strength.

Hold the bar with tight grips, about 90 degree-angle, to your shoulder-width apart.

Curl Motion:

Slightly move your upper body forward towards the equipment, extend your arms and squeeze the triceps, keeping the bar close to your thighs.

Release the bar slowly to its starting position and repeat until you finish the complete set of 10-15 repetitions.





3. Overhead Triceps Extension

Overhead Triceps Extension is the third exercise when training triceps and abs on the same day. This exercise targets triceps brachii, especially the long head. Although, the exercise targets some other areas but to a lesser extent. Typically, the exercise is performed to mainly focus on the long head of the triceps brachii and can be performed with a dumbbell, EZ-bar, or a cable machine. Also, you can do the exercise sitting on the chair or standing.

Set up:

First of all, find an appropriate dumbbell, sit on the chair or stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.

Hold the dumbbell with both hands gripping it by the inner plate and extend your arms fully overhead.

Curl Motion:

Holding a dumbbell, extend your arms overhead and squeeze the triceps. Slowly and gradually bend your elbows to lower the dumbbell behind your head.





4. Close Grip Bench Press

However, the Close Grip Bench Press exercise is merely performed when aiming to strengthen the triceps and abs on the same day, even though it targets the triceps brachii, including all three heads. The exercise requires a flat bench and a rod. Here’s how to do this exercise:

Set up:

Lie flat on the bench with your feet firmly planted on the ground. Hold the barbell with your hands placed shoulder-width apart. Your thumbs should be wrapped around the bar, ensuring a secure grip and stability so that you don’t get hurt during the exercise. Allow yourself some time so you feel comfortable holding the bar.

Close Grip Bench Press

Curl Motion:

Inhale and slowly lower the barbell to your mid-chest by bending your elbows. It is advised to maintain the range of motion and do not allow the weight to bounce when raising again. In such a way, a close-grip bench press makes it different from the standard bench press version.

Close Grip Bench Press 2





Rest Time:

1-2 minutes

5. Skull Crushers

To grow your triceps and abs muscles on the same day, skull crusters (Lying Triceps Extensions) must not be ignored. By doing this exercise, you will feel an immense burn in the triceps brachii muscles, especially the long head. You are only required to find a flat bench and a suitable barbell. Note that this exercise can be performed with dumbells, and both barbells, a flat or EZ curl bar. Typically, gymers love to choose EZ curl bar that enhances much pressure on the long heads of the triceps brachii.

Set up:

Lie flat on the bench with feets planted on the ground and hold the dumbbell, flat barbell, or EZ curl barbell, according to your preferences, above the head to your shoulder-width apart. Thumbs should be wrapped around the barbell as it would be in a close grip bench press.

Curl Motion:

Keep your upper arm in the stationary position and bend your elbows to lower the weight towards your forehead or just above your head. The entire exercise should be carried out in a controlled way, ensuring that your body does not suffer any damage.

Sets and Repetitions:

  • Set 1: 12 Reps with moderate weight
  • Set 2: 10 Reps with slightly heavier weight
  • Set 3: 8 Reps with the same weight
  • Set 4: 8 Reps with the same weight

Rest Time:

1-2 minutes between each set

It is not mandatory to train triceps and abs muscles on the same day. However, training these muscles combination can enhance your overall strength and muscle grow when executed on the same day. After done with the triceps, if you feel that you can continue the workout, let’s move on to abs exercises.

Note: It is essential to take care of your diet plan when performing different muscles or exercises on the same day.

An effective abs workout targets various core muscles, including the rectus abdominis, obliques, and transverse abdomins. When you plan to perform abs individually, on a separate day, it is important to warm up your muscles for about 5-10 minutes. Cardio, including jogging, cycling, running, jumpping, etc can be done to warm up the body. But, when the aim is to execute triceps and abs on the same day, you already warmed up your muscles doing triceps. Therefore, no need to do any warm-up exercise but stretching instead. However, here’s a balanced abs workout that can be followed:

6. Plank

Plank exercise targets all the core muscles, including rectus abdominis, obliques, and transverse abdomins. However, it targets some other muscles too but to a lesser extent. Starting with a plank exercise is a good practice to additionally warm-up the muscles involved in the abs.

Set up:

Start in a push-up position with your forearms planted on the ground and your body in a straight line. Make sure you do not touch any part of your body to the ground, except your arms and feet. Besides your arms and feet, keep the rest of your body off the ground. Also, your entire body should be in a stationary position. Engage your core and hold the position.




30-60 seconds


30 seconds between sets

Note: For beginners, it is advised to start with 30 seconds and may gradually increase the duration with time.

7. Bicycle Crunches

When planning to do triceps and abs exercises on the same day, bicycle crunches does not get ignored by the people as it targets all the abdominal muscles and one can feel the muscle pain instantly. However, here’s how it is done:

Set up:

Lie on your back with hands behind the head and legs raised, knee bend at 90 degrees.


Start with bringing your right elbow towards your left knee while straightening your right leg and vice versa. This technique flexes the abdominal muscles, which helps in burning some calories.






30 seconds between each sets

8. Leg Raises

Leg Raises exercise primarily targets the lower abdominal muscles, especially the lower fibers of the rectus abdominis. In addition, it engages the hip flexors, muscles that are responsible for lifting the legs.

Set up:

Lie flat on your back with your legs extended and hands at your sides or under your lower back.


Keep your legs straight, lift them up until they are perpendicular to the ground. Slowly lower your legs back down without touching the ground.

Tip: Do not move the rest of your body except your legs.






30 seconds

9. Russian Twists

Triceps and abs continued – Russian Twists targets abdominal muscles. It mainly focuses on oblique muscles, which are located on the sides of the abdomen. These muscles include internal and external obliques. Besides, Russian Twists also engage the rectus abdominis to stabilize the trunk and maintain balance during the twisting motion during the exercise.

Set up:

Sit on the floor with your knee bent and feet flat. Lean back slightly and lift your feet off the ground, balancing your body with your sit bones. Hold your hands together right in front of you or holding an appropriate weight.


Rotate your torso to the right, then to the left. Hence, it will be counted your one repetition.




20 (10 each side)


30 seconds

10: Mountain Climbers

Let’s move on to our final exercise with the triceps and abs workout. Mountain climbers targets multiple abdominal muscles, including rectus abdominis, obliques, and transverse abdominis. One of the most common abs exercises that is practiced all over the world. Here’s how you can do this exercise and finish the overall triceps and abs workout:

Set up:

Start in push-up position with your hands directly on the ground.


Bring your right knee towards you chest, then quickly switch to the other leg, bringing the knee towards your chest. Perform like your climbing on the mount.




30-45 seconds


30 seconds between each set

Congratulations! you are all set to go on to start your triceps and abs workout. As said earlier, it is a good practice to read the instructions carefully before starting your triceps and abs exercises.

In addition to triceps and abs workouts, you are also welcome to contact us for any other information regarding workouts or other health and fitness.

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