Best Shoulder Workout All 3 Heads | Pain But Surprising Gain

Shoulder Workout All 3 Heads – During shoulder exercises, all three deltoid muscles are targeted, such as the anterior (front), lateral (side), and posterior (rear). These muscles appear in the upper arms and one may like to train them for various reasons such as looking more muscular, strengthening the overall arms, etc. There are different workout routines available depending on individual preferences. However, if you’re following our workout routine daily, we recommend training your shoulder muscles on Friday after you are done with the Triceps and Abs on thursday.

Shoulder Workout All 3 Heads on Friday

Always do not forget to start with warm-up exercises to get the blood flowing to your muscles and prepare your joints for exercise. Warming up muscles is critical to prevent your muscles from any injury during exercise. You may like to start warming up your muscles with Arm Circles and end up with Shoulder Shrugs.

Also, if you follow the instructions of your gym trainer or coach, you are doing well. Your gym trainer or coach can well scrutinize your muscles or gym routine and therefore prescribe you any exercises that are important to you. However, start with your first main shoulder exercise after being done with the warm-up and your muscles are fully stretched. Here’s how your shoulder workout all 3 heads can be targeted:

1. Overhead Press

Overhead press shoulder exercise targets all three heads, such as front, side, and rear, and can be performed with a barbell or dumbbells, depending on individual preferences. Also, the exercise can be done standing or sitting.

Set up:

Find a barbell or dumbbells, sit in the seat with your feet on the ground shoulder-width apart, and press your back against the backrest.


Press the weight overhead untill your arms are fully stretched and then lower back to your shoulder level.





Rest Time:

3-5 minutes

2. Lateral Raises

Lateral raises targets lateral or side head and therefore also known as side raises exercise. Lateral muscles are those muscles in the upper arm that lie between anterior (front) and posterior (rear) of deltoid muscles. The exercise can be performed with dumbbells.

Set up:

Find and hold some trusty dumbbells with slightly bend in your elbows. Stand with your feet should-width apart.


Raise the dumbbells to the side until they are at your shoulder hight. Then, lower them back down slowly to feel the pain and allow muscles to get stretched properly.





Rest Time:

60-90 seconds

3. Front Raises

Front raises is another effective exercise that primarily targets anterior head of deltoid muscles. You can do this exercise with the help of a barbell or dumbbells. Choose a barbell or dumbbells what you prefer for this exercise.

Note: This exercise can be done using a single dumbbell at a time and rolling over to the other hand after doing it first with the handset or you can use two dumbbells for each repetition.

Set up:

Find a suitable barbell or dumbbells and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.


Front raise a barbell or dumbbells (single or two) to your shoulder height, keeping your arms straight but not locked. Then, lower them back down.





Rest Time:

90 seconds

Front Raises

4. Bent-Over Reverse Flyes

Do not forget to execute Bent-Over Reverse Flyes exercise that targets mainly posterior head of deltoid muscles. During shoulder workout all 3 heads are targeted if followed the correct routine sequence that is given. Nevertheless, you can do this exercise with dumbbells while standing or sitting.

Set up:

Bend over at the hips with a slight bend in your knee and hanging down your arms.


Lift the weight out to the sides, squeezing your shoulder blades, and bring down the weight back to hang your arms down. The exercise should be performed in a nice and slow motion to prevent from any injuries.





Rest Time:

2-3 minutes between each set

5. Arnold Press

Arnold Press exercise targets all three heads with extra emphasize on anterior head. Shoulder workout all 3 heads are targeted by executing arnold press in the routine. Dumbbells are used to treat all three heads, anterior, lateral, and posterior muscles.

Set up:

Choose a dumbbell with your feet shoulder-width apart, palms facing you at your shoulder height.


As you press the weight overhead, rotate palms facing forward. Then, lower the weight back to the starting position and continue until repetitions are done.





Rest Time:

Rest about 1-2 minute(s) between each set

6. Face Pulls

Let’s target posterior heads and traps with a finisher Face Pulls exercise. An exercise that is performed using a cable machine with rope attachment. Targeting shoulder workout all 3 heads with these exercises will do some magics if performed properly with all the given instructions.

Set up:

Adjust the weight and stand close to a cable machine with rope attachment.


Hold and pull the rope towards your face, keeping your elbows high, and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Extend your arms to release the rope slowly and pull again.





Rest Time:

30-60 seconds

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