Learn How To Chest Workout Plan For Men

Chest Workout Plan for Men: In many parts of the world, depending on the cultural and religious practices, such as United States, United Kingdom, and Canada, “Sunday” is considered the first day of the week. In much of Europe and Asia, on the other hand, traditionally consider “Monday” as the first day of the week. Nevertheless, who cares? In many regions, sunday is a rest day. Therefore, we are heading to Monday and let’s focus on putting some efforts in building chest muscles.

Chest Workout Plan for Men

It is important to warm up your muscles before lifting heavy weights. Note that lifting heavy weight without warming up muscles inreases the risk of injury. Therefore, it is a best practice to prepare your muscles so that you are ready to pick up weight with minimal risk of injury. As far as warming up the muscles is concerned, cardio, short form of cardiovascular exercise, is said to be a good and a proven strategy that enables your muscles to work harder.

What is Cardio?

Cardio or Cardio-vascular, a combination of heart and blood vessels, is an activity that plays an important role in strengthening heart and respiratory system. Exercises come under cardio, such as walking, dancing, jumping jacks, cycling, skipping, swimming, and running, increase heart rate and boost overall health. Performing such exercises controls blood pressure and improves heart health. Also, it helps in weight management and controls stress. Therefore, it is important not to skip cardio to avoid injuries and maintain overall health. The duration and intensity of cardio efforts depends on your fitness goals and health conditions.

Now, let’s dive deep into the topic to understand the chest workout plan for men.

1. Incline Dumbbell Press

Incline Dumbbell Press, a popular upper body exercise, primarily targets chest muscles, especially upper chest.

In the exercise, you lie on a bench, typically at 30 to 45 degree angle, and hold dumbbells in your hands. Bring the forearms to shoulder level, bending the elbows, and bringing the dumbbells to the chest.

Make sure the exercise is performed nice and slow to allow muscles squeeze gently and precisely. The exercise should be practiced for 3 or 5 sets (for beginner or advanced) and 12 repetitions, including 1 warm-up (light weight), 2 moderate (normal weight), and 2 heavy weight (drop sets).

Note that your rest time after each set is 1-2 minutes, which is enough to recover your muscles sufficiently while still maintaining the intensity of your workout.

2. Flat Barbell Bench Press

Flat Barbell Bench Press in a chest workout plan for men is another popular exercise that should not be skipped in a chest workout plan for men. It’s one of the favourite exercise of gymers that targets chest muscles. In addition, it not only strengthens the chest but also the triceps and shoulders.

In the exercise, you lie on a flat bench while holding a rod in your hands, bending arms with a tight grip, and lifting weight (as per your tolerance) above your chest.

3 sets, 12 repetitions, and 2-3 minutes of rest (in case of heavy lifting) is recommended to allow muscles refueling ATP (energy) for the next set. On the other hand, if you are aiming for muscular endurance or metabolic workout, you might choose a shorter rest period of about 1-2 minutes, to keep the intensity higher and maintain a cardiovascular challenge.

Note: Make sure to ask for help so that you don’t experience any injury during the exercise.

3. Pec Deck Fly

Another renowned exercise in the chest workout plan for men is Pec Deck Fly, also known as Pec Deck, is an isolation exercise that targets chest muscles. It’s one of the common chest exercises that allows muscles to be pumped immediately when performed with high intensity.

You sit on a Pec Deck Machine while pressing pads to stretch and contract chest muscles. Shoulders and triceps are not involved much in the exercise, which helps only chest to be directly targeted.

You are advised to practice 3 sets and 12 repetitions. Try to increase the weight (after each set) according to your willpower.

A common rest time after each set is 1-2 minutes.

Note: Avoid strenuous exercise if you do not feel comfortable when stretching your muscles. If such has happened, you need to call it a day.

4. Cable Crossovers

Cable Crossovers, also called cross cable, is usually performed on a machine. It’s one of the popular resistant training exercises, particularly targeting inner chest muscles. Also, it is a good choice when choosing chest workout plan for men.

How to do it? well… The machine has pulleys (wires) conneted with it, which are adjustable. Adjust the handles according to your chest level. Slightly bend your arms, swing them out in front, as if you were hugging, hold for a second, and repeat.

2-3 sets and 12-15 repetitions are enough but make sure you give your best.

Rest time between sets is 1-2 minutes. But, make sure that the exercise is done at a nice and slow motion. Also, do not forget to squeeze your chest during exercise as doing so will increase blood flow, ultimately resulting in a chest pump.

For the sake of a chest workout plan for men, the above exercises are the most common and proven ones that most gymers do every week. Besides, other activities on Monday depend on one’s preferences. However, other exercises are below:

5. Incline Dumbbell Fly

Incline Dumbbell Fly is an exercise that mainly targets upper chest area. It is mainly performed on a 30-45 degree angle of the bench.

You rest your body on an incline bench while holding dumbbells in your hand. Once you are in a stable and better position, slightly bend your elbows next to your chest and open up your arms. Lift the dumbbells nice and slow and squeeze your chest to feel the intensity.

Focus on 2 sets and 12-15 repetitions. Besides, take 1-2 minutes of rest between sets to allow your body heal your muscles and regenerate or recover them quickly.

6. Push-up

Chest workout plan for men works best when this exercise is done in the right way. The number of push-up sets and repetitions can vary depending on your fitness level, goals, and the intensity of your workout. However, a general rule that is usually followed is 2-3 sets of push-ups and 8-15 repetitions. But, if you are unable to reach the desired number of repetitions, its ok to perform as many as you can and gradually increase the repetitions over time as you build strength and endurance. It is important to perform push-ups in the correct way is essential to target the chest muscles effectively and reduce the risk of injury.

People often do not skip this exercise during chest workout plan for men. However, begin the exercise by getting into a plank position with your hands placed slightly wider than shoulders width apart on the floor. Your wrists should be aligned with your shoulders, and your fingers should be pointing forward. Hold your body in the air while forming a straight line from your head to your heels. Keep your feet together or slightly apart whichever is more comfortable to you. In lower order, put some pressure on your hands to maintain the stability when goes down and squeeze your chest.

Repeat the exercise carefully following the aforementioned steps and repetitions. And guess what, you are all done with your chest workout plan for men.

Note: If you want to know more or need some time for consultation regarding chest workout plan for men, please feel free to comment us below.

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